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Upcoming Performances

Sunday June 26th, 2016:
Wild Orchid Recital w/
Shades Of Araby. The Spice Factory. Hamilton, ON.

Saturday July 2nd, 2016
Toronto Pride dancing with Arabesque at Yalla Barra stage. Toronto, ON.

Saturday July 9th, 2016
Harem 10 w/ Shades Of Araby, Eshe. The Casbah. Hamilton, ON.

Saturday July 16th, 2016
Rakkas SF w/ Sons Of The Trimurti, Paige Lawrence, Yuska Tuanakotta, Frank Farinaro and others. The Stud. San Francisco, CA. USA.

Saturday July 23rd, 2016
Rakkas LA w/ Sons Of The Trimurti, Paige Lawrence, Yuska Tuanakotta, Frank Farinaro and others. LA Arts. Los Angeles, CA. USA.

September 30 - October 3rd, 2016
Black Forest Tribal Fest w/ Dawn Ruckert, Michelle Sorensen, Gabriele Keiner, Virginie Violett and others. Oberharmersbach, Germany.

Past Performances

October 2nd, 2011:
Mind, Body & Spirit Show w/ Akula Tribal, Akula Nartakah. Chelmsford, England.

September 30th, 2011:
Tassles, Turbans & Tiaras w/ Akula Tribal, Akula Nartakah, Umberlilly, Tribal Unity, and others. Rochford, England.

May, June, September 2011:
Pedestrian Sundays w/ Shades Of Araby, Tribe Waiwaizii, Lavish and others. Kensington Market, Toronto.

September 10th, 2011:
Hamilton SuperCrawl w/ Shades Of Araby, and others. Hamilton, ON.

August 2011:
Tribal Union 2011 w/ Tamarind Tribal, FatChanceBellyDance, Colleena Shakti, Megha Gavin, Blue Lotus Tribe and others. Milwaukee, WI.

August 24th, 2011:
SOAR Benefit. Toronto, ON.

May 14th, 2011
Detroit Raqs w/ Shades Of Araby, Boheme Tribal, Lana Mini, Unveiled Bellydance. Detroit, MI.

April 30th, 2011:

Charity Show w/ Shades Of Araby, Kristina Shea, Arabesque Dance Company, Cassandra Fox and others. Burlington, ON.

March 25th to 27th, 2011:
Cues & Tattoos
w/ Rachel Brice, FatChanceBellyDance, Ucanto, Rina Rall and others. Seattle, WA.

March 19th, 2011:
Terpsichore In The Tower. Ann Arbor, MI.

Friday October 22nd, 2010:
The Spooky Souk. FatChance BellyDance workshop weekend
w/ Carolena Nericcio, Megha Gavin, Shades Of Araby, Tribe MayaFire, Euphraxia. BellyUp Bellydance Studio. Oakville, ON.

July & August 2010:
Pedestrian Sundays
with Shades Of Araby and guests. Kensington Market. Toronto, ON.

Friday August 6th, 2010:
Fifi Abdo Gala
with Shades Of Araby, Tarab, and guests. Mississauga, ON.

July 10th, 2010:
Hamilton Infringement Festival with Shades Of Araby, Tribe MayaFire, Jackie Pullar and Euphraxia. Hamilton, ON.

July 3rd, 2010:
Studio Oasis Gala
with Shades Of Araby, Tribe Oasis, and others. St. Mary's, ON.

June 12th, 2010:
Women Of Menace,
Moksha Bellydance with Shades Of Araby, Kit McAllister. Port Hope, ON.

June 6th, 2010:
This Ain't Egypt.
Dark Side Studio recital. Toronto, ON.

June 5th, 2010:
Arabesque Academy Student Recital. with The Righteous Rogues. Toronto, ON.

May 30th, 2010:
Journey To The Middle East And Beyond, The Penthelia Singers
with Shades Of Araby. Toronto, ON.

May 8th, 2010:
Bellydance Extravaganza.
With ShadeFire. Stratford, ON.

April 21st-25th, 2010:
International Bellydance Conference Of Canada.
pening Night Gala (Wed):
w/ The Righteous Rogues of Raks and Shades Of Araby.
Open Stage (Thurs): with Shades Of Araby. Toronto, ON.

February 27th, 2010:
with Shades Of Araby, Ariellah, Donna Mejia, Asharah, Awalim, Heather Stants, Megha Gavin and more. Decatur, GA.

February 9th-14th, 2010:
Oum with
Arabesque Dance Company.

Toronto, ON.

November 29th, 2009:
Wild Orchid Recital with Shades Of Araby, Tribe MayaFire, Jackie Pullar. Hamilton, ON.

November 28th, 2009:
Inversion: Fluff with
Shades Of Araby. Toronto, ON.

June 7th, 2009:
Ancient Moves Recital with
Shades Of Araby. Brantford, ON.

May 23rd, 2009:
HipNosis 2. With Tribe MayaFire, Arabesque Dance Company, Lavish, Karima Helou, Denise Mireau, Wild Orchid, Robin DeDanann. Burlington, ON.

May 30th, 2009:
For Love Of Isis with Shades Of Araby. Windsor, ON.

May 27th-28th, 2009:
Casino Niagara with Arabesque Dance Company. Niagara Falls, ON.

May 9th, 2009:
Tahira Badre Recital with Shades Of Araby. Burlington, ON.

April 18th, 2009:
A Night At The Oasis. Show and Workshop with
Shades Of Araby. Strathroy, ON.

April 11th-12th, 2009:
Yalla! 7th Annual Bellydance & Drum Show. Workshops and show. Sponsored by Satu's Bellydancing. Thunder Bay, ON.

April 4th, 2009:
Tribellement Votre Gala Show with
Asharah, Les Tri'Belles Kassar. Montreal, QC. With Shades Of Araby.

December 30th, 2008
Harem2 with Eshe, Melissa Gamal, Gurpreet Chana. Hamilton, ON.

November 22nd, 2008
Mish Mash Belly Bash.
With Invoketress, Shades Of Araby, Karima Helou, Khizmet & Karma, Audra, Lavish. Guelph, ON.

November 15th, 2008
Inversion: Bliss.
Audra, Lavish, Jaene, Maryfer, Khizmet & Karma. Toronto, ON.

November 1st, 2008
Spooky Souk @ BellyUp.
With Shades Of Araby, Joharah, Tribe MayaFire. Oakville, ON.

October 31st, 2008
Sumkidz Is Suma. With Shades Of Araby. Toronto, ON.

October 18th, 2008
Bewitching Bellydance Ball. Starring Ranya Renee, Roula Said with Khizmet & Karma. Kitchener, ON.

October 4th, 2008
Belly Boo Bash. with
Deniz, Sandstorm Dance Company. Dayton, OH.

September 27th, 2008
BellyUp Bellydance Grand Opening Gala. Starring Jim Boz with Joharah, Shades Of Araby, Tribe MayaFire. Oakville, ON.

June 27th, 2007
In The Heat Of The Hafla.
Valizan with Trillium Tribal, Shaia Fahrid, Serpentine Dream, Extreme Taqisim.
Milwaukee, WI.

Bio Classes Performances Gallery Links What is ATS? Shades Of Araby Assorted Palaver Contact Me SCA Valizan T-Shirt ATS Drillhouse & Shake! Sheikh!